Your favorite problematic nerd.

An archaeologist specializing in pants.


heyo hey! my name is Tre and this blog is my corner of the internet. I’m black, male enough (he/his and they/them), some permutation of ace and in my twenties. also a robot. :)

I do a lot of things!

this blog is mostly me finding silly things on Tumblr and sharing them, because I’ve been here for like 16 years and that’s still the best way to use this place. you’ll see me in the tags on most of the posts here.

be warned: I’m kinda bad at tagging posts for content and I contain flashing images. alright that’s it have fun


i bet count von count has killer fuckin music taste



look what he drives. i have got to get this little purple fucks spotify


This is genuinely one of my favourite videos on the fucking planet.


Four arrows forming a circle with four interspersed statements in all caps, in the center is a simple drawing of a person lying face down, butt up, flat on the floor, the words read:   Faced with important adult task  Get scared by at least one part of it & avoid it  Blink  Months have passed & task is now even more importantALT

Can you believe I’m having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job



don’t worry about why i had to google this but this example sentence is killing me


i’m glad there are episodes in the next generation where data gets reprogrammed/possessed/we meet his evil twin/etc, because as much as brent spiner is amazing as data, his real talent is playing weird little freaks



my sleep paralysis demon at 3am



this line is literally canon and he delivers it with such gusto


On one hand I understand not teaching cursive in school anymore, because it actually is slower than regular handwriting and almost everything is typed on a keyboard now anyways.

On the other hand, so much of our (even recent!) history was written in cursive, and having a whole generation of kids who can’t read letters written by their grandparents, momentos saved by their great-grandparents, or even photo albums from theur immediate family seems like a dangerously quick way to detach us from previous generations.

And on the third, related but slightly malformed hand, I feel bad that yet another form of small, everyday art that brings joy in the middle of mundane tasks, which celebrates personality and individual style and self-expression, is about to fade into obscurity because it wasn’t efficient enough for today’s world to put up with.

Like… if we continue to whittle away the small arts out of every day life, what’s going to be left except stark, ruthless pragmatism?

Maybe writing a grocery list is less mundane when you get to feel elegant for a moment. Maybe you’re a little more proud of what you write when you see it flow together like a painting


Sometimes I make posts that are like “Hey guys, maybe everything being optimized for efficiency and cheapness leaves some major defects in the average person’s ability to thrive psychologically” and some of you pop off like I’ve said I want to kill everyone who uses insulin with my bare hands, when mostly what I’m talking about is this sort of thing.


Whenever I talk about whatever media I’m into at the moment imagine I am presenting the characters to you like this




I’ve been neglecting the social medias and just noticed that I’ve now got 60,000 followers, WELCOME ABOARD DEAR FOLLOWERS AND BOTS

Who's This Nerd?

Hello internet! My name is Tre and this is a blog, for lack of a better term. I'm a nerd, a writer, a musician and radio DJ, a technology junkie, a cartoon/comic book/vidyagam fan and a pop culture aficionado. This is where I keep all of the junk that fascinates, excites, confuses and intrigues me. (That's basically just a fancy way of saying I put memes and stuff here.)

I'm a black twentysomething, mostly male, and I use he/him and they/them pronouns. Feel free to poke around, or say hello.

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That Boy's Up To Something